Looking after the safety of your food is key to protect your health. 1 in 10 people suffer some form of food related illness each year and contaminated foods can cause long term effects in some cases.
Furthermore, bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotic drugs. This makes foodborne illnesses more dangerous as it is difficult to treat when symptoms become severe.
If you suffer from a lasting food contamination, don't ignore it. It could be a sign of a more serious condition. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and what you should do to find and treat the cause. Most of our standard plans offer comprehensive cover for doctor visits, diagnostic tests and other helpful treatments. Please refer to your Table of Benefits for specific details of your cover.
If you are worried about your symptoms simply call our Medi24 medical advice line on +44 (0) 2084163929. Medi24 is provided by an experienced medical team that offers information and advice on a wide range of health related topics. Another quick way to check your symptoms is via our Symptom Checker, available through the MyHealth app.