12.1 Will Aetna International continue to quote for new business? If so when will this cease? Who do we approach for new business quotes for individuals, SME and Corporate clients? Allianz or Aetna International? Allianz is ready for new business quotes as usual, for individuals, SMEs, corporate and governmental clients. Aetna International will cease new business quotes from 1st July 2022 at which point they’ll promote the Allianz Partners products and direct people to the Allianz Partners website and appropriate sales contacts. 12.2 If we contact Allianz for a new business quote, will they be able to quote the Aetna International products? Because this isn’t a merger or acquisition, we won’t be acquiring Aetna International’s products and systems, so in general, that won’t be possible. However we have closely replicated Aetna International's SME product, Summit, and so we will be able to offer new business quotes on the Summit product, using Allianz’s benefit descriptions and wording. For individual business the Allianz Care plans are open for new business. And for experience rated larger clients Allianz will be happy to provide a customised solution which meets the client’s needs.