5.1 From what date will this migration start? There has been a significant amount of preparation and planning done already, and while Aetna International is still in a collective consultation process with some staff, our plan is that the migration preparation will start in earnest from May 2022 with a small number of select clients transitioning to Allianz Partners from July 2022 on a soft launch basis. 5.2 How will you make this transition process as simple as possible for us and for the affected clients? Aetna International will work very closely with Allianz Partners at every stage of the transition – including understanding the details of the current proposition; cover and premium matching; pre-migration preparation; clear communication to the client and their staff plus support during and after the transition. Our aim is to make it as easy and convenient for the client as possible, keep them updated at each stage and make sure that they and their staff can make the most of their cover and services. 5.3 What are the benefits for our clients if we move them to you? The transition will be managed jointly between Aetna International and Allianz Partners, to make it as easy and seamless as possible for the client and their staff. The terms, cover and services will be similar or better while offering competitive premiums. For large clients, the plan is that some Aetna International account management teams will also transfer to Allianz Partners, so clients will have continuity when it comes to the people they’re already familiar and comfortable with. 5.4 I have clients with Aetna International. Why should I move the business to Allianz Partners rather than go out to tender? We believe that a ‘joint handover’ scenario, where Allianz Partners is working extremely closely with the incumbent insurer, will offer a much faster and more seamless client experience than going down the tender route. 5.5 Rather than wait until the renewal, can we transfer our full portfolio over to Allianz so that it’s all migrated at the same time? This will depend on the portfolio. If it includes a mix of individual, SME and mid-large corporate then probably not as we won’t be migrating all of the clients at the same time. They have different renewal dates. However we can talk to you about the possibility of migrating certain groups at the same time. 5.6 What will change after the transfer from Aetna International to Allianz Partners? It will be the same as if a client were switching over to us in the normal way, except that in this case, we’ve built a new product based on Aetna International’s Summit, so that’s a new option. Other than that, it will be like a traditional switchover. 5.7 Do you plan to migrate all of Aetna International’s non-USA international health policies? Yes, we hope to migrate the majority of this business. There may be small pockets that we aren’t in a position to, or choose not, to take on. 5.8 How long do you anticipate the migration taking? From start to finish, and with some clients renewing at different times in the year, we expect the full migration to take from 12 to 18 months. 5.9 When we transfer the business over, what will the plan be for renewals in year one and two, as sometimes Allianz is more expensive than Aetna International? Overall Allianz Partners offers good value for clients, considering important factors like service, network, cost containment and premium. By replicating the Summit product we’ll also carry over the underwriting philosophy and great flexibility Summit offers to adapt to changing clients’ needs. Through strong cost containment measures and by working closely with our brokers and clients, we believe we can offer sustainable and highly competitive solutions. 5.10 Will everything migrate over from July renewals onwards? We will stagger the migration. 1st July is a soft launch with targeted groups and individuals – details will follow. August is the B2B migration and then individual starts migrating from 1st November (new business solutions can be offered in August). There are some differences depending on the fronting solution. Our target is all solutions available for migration from 1st November at the very latest, Subject to regulatory approval. Aetna International and Allianz Partners will work with our brokers in order to ensure they have the full picture so that they can manage their overall portfolio.
5.11 When will we find out what clients are being migrated in the soft launch? As soon as the consultation process has been completed, Aetna International will confirm the clients chosen and will discuss with the broker directly. We will be fully observing data privacy and data consent and due process. We will be asking for your consent to include Allianz Partners in those discussions.