6.1 Will this work have an impact on your existing clients? We are very aware of the need to maintain existing levels of service quality to existing clients. This will be a key success factor and will remain an important focus for us. We hope to be taking on some of the Aetna International staff during this migration and, as per our usual procedures, we’ll make sure that our staffing levels are appropriate to maintain robust service levels. 6.2 Allianz Partners is much smaller than Aetna International in Hong Kong/Singapore. Will you be able to handle the additional volumes? We plan to take on additional staff in Asia to ramp up our regional support capabilities and this will be fully in line with the number of new clients in this region. 6.3 Which new countries will Allianz Partners add to their portfolio to be able to handle the additional volumes? Allianz Partners will grow its presence in Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Morocco and other countries in Africa to cater to the new business coming from Aetna International. 6.4 Does Allianz have the medical network to be handle to cover all regions where we have members? Allianz Partners’ medical network will grow even bigger than the 1.1 million providers we have today as we plan to expand further into the Asian markets.