7.1 How will ongoing treatment guarantees and medical claims be managed during the migration? It will be the same process as for any clients switching to Allianz Partners. Treatment guarantees requested and claims submitted during Aetna International’s period of cover will be submitted to Aetna International. Treatment guarantees requested and claims submitted during the new period of cover provided by Allianz Partners will be submitted to Allianz Partners. Medical providers will direct any appropriate bills based on which insurance card was presented by the insured member. Members will be informed and guided about the process as part of the migration. 7.2 Where can I escalate my challenges regarding claims and treatment guarantees? You can continue to use your current contacts at Aetna International until such time as the client has migrated, after which point you can use your normal Allianz contact points. 7.3 Do you provide claims reports? Claims reports are provided for experience rated larger clients in the normal Allianz Partners formats.