Introducing our new Pharmacy Delivery Service
A chronic condition is defined as a sickness, illness, disease or injury. The condition must have been diagnosed by a specialist and requires drug treatment for more than six months. The condition must be stable and the drug dosage should not vary. Chronic conditions include but are not limited to high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, asthma, cerebrovascular diseases, etc.
Our Pharmacy Delivery Service is available for the following chronic conditions:
High blood pressure
Cerebrovascular diseases
The insured member will send their fully completed Pharmacy Delivery Claim Form to Allianz JD.
Allianz JD will confirm if the prescription drugs claimed for are covered.
Allianz JD will then liaise with the pharmacy partner.
The pharmacy partner will organize delivery of the requested drugs to the insured member’s address indicated in the Pharmacy Delivery Claim Form.
Allianz JD will arrange direct settlement with the pharmacy partner (subject to the insured member’s benefit limits).
*Pharmacy delivery within mainland China is free of charge. The drugs quantity shall not exceed the patient’s need for 90 days and it will be subject to the claimant's policy benefit limits and to medical review by our medical team. Allianz JD will never recommend any medication. Drugs should only be ordered in accordance with a doctor’s prescription and professional advice. Psychiatric medications (Including hypnotics), liquids medicines, refrigerated and frozen medications and vaccines cannot be delivered. The insured member must review and sign the Pharmacy Delivery Claim form. Claims are subject to the terms and conditions of the insurance contract. Only Allianz JD shall determine whether the Pharmacy Delivery Service is available.
The claimant must be insured with Allianz JD and their insurance policy must be active.
The required drugs must be prescribed by a doctor and the prescription must be valid for 6 months.
Prescriptions or relevant medical records must be provided to Allianz JD for review.
The insured member must currently be on medication for a chronic condition.
The condition must be stable and there should be no need to adjust the drugs or the dosage.
If you wish to access this service, please email us at and write "Pharmacy delivery" in the subject line. Please attach your prescription(s) as well as your medical records to the email and indicate the drugs required.
**Allianz JD only arranges prescription drugs delivery service for insured members where prescriptions have been legally issued by attending physicians. The insured member shall confirm that the information provided in the Pharmacy Delivery Claim Form is true and valid; Drugs dosage and quantity must be medically necessary and should be intended to the insured member’s use only. The cost of Pharmacy Delivery Service is subject to the benefit limits, including but not limited to deductibles, co-payments or annual limits indicated in the table of benefits. Allianz JD cannot be held responsible for the cost of drugs that would exceed the insurance benefits. Allianz JD reserves the right to review Pharmacy Delivery claims made by Insured members. Allianz JD’s Pharmacy Delivery Service is a direct billing service. Where Pharmacy delivery costs are not covered by the insured member’s policy, Allianz JD will send a request to the insured member to refund the amount that has been paid in regards to the Pharmacy Delivery claim. The insured member shall return the funds within one month from the date the notification has been received.
Phone (International health insurance): 400 067 1800 (within China) or (+86) 10 85355624 (outside China)