chocolate-dipped * *strawberries*
1 cup (200g) dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)
2-3 cups (350-400g) fresh strawberries
Optional toppings: chopped nuts, desiccated coconut, chia seeds, icing sugar
Wash the strawberries well and leave them to dry
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Break the chocolate into small pieces and place into a heatproof bowl. Microwave in 20-second intervals, stirring well between each interval to avoid burning (this is crucial, otherwise the chocolate will develop a bitter taste).
Holding each strawberry carefully by the stem, dip them into the chocolate, covering as much as possible of the fruit.
Let any excess chocolate drip off and then transfer to the parchment paper.
Sprinkle with nuts, coconut or chia seeds and leave aside to cool for at least 20 minutes until the chocolate has set.
Sift a little icing sugar over the fruit and serve immediately, as a special sweet treat.