*HTML Emails*
Our invoicing process explained
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"Sending HTML Emails" tutorial
Sending HTML Emails
1. Click on "Download email"
2. Create new email.
3. Right click on email toolbar and select ‘Customize ribbon’:
4. Within the Main Tabs section, select ‘New Group’ ensuring this new group goes into ‘New Mail Message’:
5. Rename to ‘Test’ or ‘HTML Email’:
6. Ensuring your new group is selected, choose ‘Attach file’ from the Commands list on the left, and then select the ‘Add’ button. This will add a new Attach function in your email toolbar:
7. Click OK to save:
8. The new function will now appear in your email toolbar:
9. Go to your "Downloads" folder and attach the email HTML file into your email but ensure you INSERT AS TEXT (see below) to import the HTML into the body of your email. Otherwise it will just attached as a file:
10. The HTML will now be imported into your email
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